We are a large group of helpers working to contribute in various ways to this overall project of Katie's and other relevant mandali member's descriptions of their lives lived with Meher Baba. This site is not intended to be a comprehensive Meher Baba website, although links are provided to help those new to Meher Baba.
This form may be used to send us an email regarding any of the following:
1. Feedback about this website.
2. Offering of selfless service in any of the following ways: Audio or video technical skills (Final Cut Pro, Pro Tools, etc), photoshop of images used for this project, or other skills / assets you may wish to contribute.
3. Donation of copies of Katie Irani or relevant mandali members photographs, videos, audio recordings, and any other relevant materials you may wish to contribute to Katie Irani's estate, for usage on this project (autobiographical internet videos, and long term biography project).